The most important decision you will make in regard to e-business is hosting. Your hosting plan needs to be expandable, secure, and inexpensive. We have found that Jamida has provided us with all these features and more. We are able to host blogs, content management systems, web stores, and mobile web sites under the same hosting plan. We even set up Google Apps for a family with the purchase of a domain name.

Domain name registration is easy and secure. Jamida also provides easy installation and support of the software on our web sites. Check out Jamida at: Jamida's Home Page.

Another major domain registar is "" who also offers all the services a startup e-business requires to become profitable.
Remember there are several steps you are required to make in order to become successful:

We have worked with "" in the past and have experienced a low cost hosting service that provides excellent support. E-Business Juncuture LLC has the technical ability to host our own web site; however, the costs we would incur do not warrant the expense. Let's take a look at what we mean by expenses:

E-Business Juncture LLC currently hosts 12 domain names and web sites (including mobile web sites) under one hosting plan. We have purchased and deployed a SSL certificate to cover up to five domain names. We have also deployed free software provided with the hosting plan, like a web store, blog and content management system. We have also purchased all our products for the next 5 years.

All this and more cost us the price of bandwidth for one year!!

Find out for yourself how easy and inexpensive it really is to start an e-business: Jamida