In order to have a successful web site you need to use modules. Modules are easy to create and can be moved in and out of your web page or pages quickly. When you want to make changes you only need to change one module and your entire site containing the module is updated.

An example would be an advertising module. You would create the web page ( I prefer to use php for this task). Next you would create the module, let's call it advertising.php. The module would contain all your advertising links and formatted the way you would like viewers to see the advertisements. After the module is created you want to place it within your web page and you are finished.

If one advertising campaign is not working for you the changes are simple. You would open the advertising.php file and rearrange or add advertising. Save the file on your web site. The next time viewers hit the page they will experience your new advertisement layout.

Pretty simple trick to decrease the time you are spending working on your web site making changes. If you look at our web site you will see modularization in action. To add a new web page takes three steps: create the web page from a template ( which can be an existing web page), change the page content so it contains the new data, update the menu module and you are finished.

Hope this helps with you e-business web site.
Mike Kniaziewicz, MIS